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One Month Till! Whoop Whoop!

  Dum… Dum Dum Dum…… Worlds is creeping up with close to a month left before the big start. I have been in Reno, NV for almost a week and had lots of great hole practice. I paddled in the South Channel which was a smaller hole but had a lot to...

German Selections Complete!

Here is a list of the German Team Paddling a JK Boat: Christopher Kleeman- Pro Men Anne Hubner- Pro Women Andrea Kaspers- Pro Women Sandrina Hornhardt- Pro Women MIchel Hasselwander- JR Men Nils Sommer- JR Men Anne Rist- JR Women Julia Spaaij- JR Women Phillip...

2nd Spanish Cup Trials

Last weekend we had our second event of the Spanish Freestyle Cup. It was held in Sort, a great village in the middle of the Pyrenees, site for the 2001 Freestyle Worlds. Due the great weather we had a good wave/hole spot and every river and creek in the Pyrenees is...

Preparations For Worlds by Eric Bartle

For the last three months this has been my schedule: My week starts with a five hour work out teaching kayaking on Mondays from 3:00-8:00 PM. This is sponsored by the Cincinnati Recreation Commission at a local high school pool. There are many skill levels from play...

Cross Training…

This winter has been crazy for me, starting public high school and enduring all the responsibilities that come with it. Although my family and I are residing in Stanley, North Dakota I’ve still been cross training for Worlds. Track is the seasonal sport right...