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How much can you pack into one year with a broken wing?

How much can you pack into one year with a broken wing?

How much can you pack into one year with a broken wing? So this year saw me have a whole lot of firsts, the biggest of which was getting married to my best friend Claire. We decided that a normal wedding was never going to do, so with a spur of the moment decision we...

You Down With LRC? with Steven Naylor

Little River Canyon located in Fort Payne Alabama I feel is one of the most overlooked high quality runs in the Southeast. Commonly referred to as LRC or The Canyon the run usually sees paddlers coming from the local Alabama, Chattanooga, and Atlanta areas. Having...

Karma on the Ldub

Karma on the Ldub By Rafa Ortiz To put the Little White Salmon River (AKA Ldub) in a few words, it’s the most quality, continuous piece of whitewater I’ve ever paddled. People live here because of this river; others drive hours; other of us fly just to paddle it....