by JK Team | Feb 3, 2022 | Antix, Featured Post,, JAdventures Main Banner, JK Little Shredders, Playboating, Team JK, Whitewater, Whitewater Feature, WW Disciplines
submitted by James Ward Over this year I have lots of plans which are huge in my life. This year is huge for many people with the Nottingham 2022 Freestyle World championships where 100s of people are competing for the honour to be world champion. Competing this year...
by JK Team | Nov 10, 2021 | Creeking, JK Little Shredders, Playboating, Whitewater, WW Disciplines
JK Little Shredders Blog Post Dominic Morrell Date of Birth: 10/15/09 Favorite Boats: Shooting Star and XS Rockstar Hometown: Lancaster, Pennsylvania Social Media: @domshitz1—– Instagram Places Traveled: Maine, North Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland,...
by JK Team | Oct 27, 2021 | Featured Post,, JAdventures Main Banner, JK Little Shredders, Playboating, Whitewater Feature, WW Disciplines
Submitted by Matteo Williams I have been on the Little Shredders since I was 11 and I am so grateful for all of the opportunities that I got to experience from being on the Little Shredders. I want to thank Jez and Mason for being such amazing people and getting this...
by JK Team | Jun 18, 2021 | Germany, Internationalisation, JK Little Shredders, Playboating, Rock Star, Rockstar, Whitewater, Whitewater Feature, WW Disciplines
Submitted by Maja Kawczynska Isar Welle in Plattling, Germany is my favourite place for kayak freestyle in Europe. You can use white water waves and holes there to perform surf and gymnastic-style manoeuvres and tricks. High water and the current allow me to surf and...
by Hargrove Adventures | May 21, 2021 | Family Zone, Featured Post, Fun 1, Instructional,, JAdventures Main Banner, JK Little Shredders, Kid's Kayaks, Playboating, Whitewater, Whitewater Feature, Whitewater Instruction, WW Disciplines
Hello! We are the Hargrove Crew and we have some Essential Tips For Whitewater Kayaking with Kids for you. Our family of six loves sharing the JOY of just being together, seeking adventures that turn into lasting memories, and inspiring others to join in on the FUN of...
by Jezz | Feb 24, 2021 | Featured Post, JAdventures Main Banner, JK Little Shredders, Whitewater, Whitewater Feature, WW Disciplines
Jackson Kayak is excited to announce that we have new spots available on the 20201 Jackson Kayak Little Shredder team. Once again we will be running a competition to find our new team of little shredders. We are looking for kids who love to kayak and are super...
by JK Team | Oct 6, 2020 | Featured Post, JAdventures Main Banner, JK Little Shredders, River Running, Whitewater, WW Disciplines
Submitted by: Dane Menzies July 7th is the day we decided to drive to the Whatchan river for a 5th descent, we arrive at the ferry terminal and prepare for a scouting mission that we are about to go on. We find a trail that leads down to the river from a construction...
by Hargrove Adventures | Jul 12, 2020 | JAdventures Main Banner, JK Little Shredders, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Whitewater, Whitewater Feature
Hi, my name is Makinley Kate Hargrove and I am 12 years old. My home river is the Chattahoochee, at the RushSouth Whitewater Park, nestled between Phenix City, Alabama and Columbus, Georgia. How I Got Started: My dad was the first to start kayaking in our family, and...
by Jezz | Feb 12, 2020 | Exploration Feature, Featured Post, JAdventures Main Banner, JK Little Shredders, Nirvana, Trip Reports, Whitewater
Alaska is a Kayakers Paradise Like many I have always been one who has thought of Alaska as a far fetched location to visit and something I could only dream to paddle in. A very small amount of kayakers head to Alaska to kayak, the area is known worldwide for its...
by Jezz | Feb 9, 2020 | JK Little Shredders, Kid's Kayaks, Playboating, Whitewater, Whitewater Feature
Jackson Kayak is excited to announce that we have new spots available on the 2020 Jackson Kayak Little Shredder team. Once again we will be running a competition to find our new team of little shredders. We are looking for kids who love to kayak and are super talented...
by JK Team | Jan 22, 2020 | Austria, Internationalisation, JK Little Shredders, Playboating, Whitewater, Whitewater Feature
By: The KUL Brothers Our 2019 isn’t only successful starts in slalom and taming the hole, but above all amazing emotions on wild rivers. All this is due to the fact that JK thought about the youngest and has Fun1 on offer. This small boat isn’t only to help your...
by JK Team | Dec 14, 2019 | JK Little Shredders, Playboating, Rockstar 4.0, Whitewater
A Kiwi at Keeners By Nick Collier In July and August 2019 during what was an exceptionally cold winter in New Zealand, I was fortunate enough to travel abroad to Canada and take part in the Keener program. My name is Nick Collier, I’m a 16-year-old born and bred...