by Andrew McIlhone | Dec 30, 2019 | Internationalisation, Ireland
Well as the title suggests it was time for my favourite competition of the year literally as far North as one can travel in Ireland, North Donegal. I would also head up this direction a few times a year to fish with the well know big game kayak angler Graham Smith....
by Andrew McIlhone | Dec 18, 2019 | Fishing Feature, Internationalisation, Ireland, Kraken, Saltwater, Saltwater Fishing
Chasing Beasts Something I have been planning on catching from the kayak for quite a while now is a Common skate, a huge flat fish that can grow well over 200lb in weight, also while targeting them in this location there is a very slight chance of catching a Shark....
by Andrew McIlhone | Dec 16, 2019 | Fishing Tournament, Internationalisation, Ireland
The first competition of the year for me was the Irish Kayak Angling Cahore competition in Wexford on the south east coast of Ireland. This is a comp that I look forward too every year, the fishing and weather is generally always pretty good, tho the tidal currents...
by Andrew McIlhone | Nov 13, 2019 | Fishing Tournament, Freshwater Fishing, Ireland, Kraken
It’s the time of the year here in Ireland most anglers put away there salt water rods and dust the cobwebs off there fresh water gear. The Irish Kayak Angling Muckno Competition in Castleblanney, it’s the one I dread every year and as I keep saying fresh water fishing...
by Andrew McIlhone | Nov 11, 2019 | 2014 Karma Unlimited, Ireland, Kraken, Rigging
I have been using a Raymarine Dragonfly 5 pro for this past 5 years on my kayak and have honestly loved every minute of it, it is a superb size for any kayak or boat with plenty of features and great chart options at a very affordable price. As I am a tackle tart I...
by Andrew McIlhone | Nov 10, 2019 | Fishing Tournament, Ireland, Kraken
As the title hints this was my local Irish Kayak Angling Competition of the year, situated in my local village Ardglass. Last year was the first year I ran this competition here and even tho I could not attend as my partner was in labour it turned out to be a big...
by Andrew McIlhone | Feb 5, 2019 | Event Coverage, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, Internationalisation, Ireland
Winter has finally arrived here in Ireland and with it Irish Kayak Angling clubs final competition of the year. This is a fresh water competition consisting of a choice of species, first to catch the choice species wins, pretty simple if your into fresh water fishing...
by Andrew McIlhone | Aug 30, 2018 | Fishing, Internationalisation, Ireland, Kraken
I was suppose to head as far south as possible last weekend to one of our Irish Kayak Angling meets….. tho the boss is expecting soon and I did not feel comfortable being around an 8+ hour drive away… A 2.5 hour drive up north sounded better...
by Andrew McIlhone | Aug 26, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Tournament, Internationalisation, Ireland, Kraken
Throughout the year Irish kayak Angling club host around half a dozen competitions in Ireland, stretching the length and breadth of the country. The Donegal competitions each year on the Inishowen peninsula, Ireland’s most Northerly point is the one I personally look...
by Andrew McIlhone | Aug 21, 2018 | Fishing, Internationalisation, Ireland, Kraken
Well this was one mission I have always wanted to achieve, paddling across Strangford loughs fierce narrows!! This is a narrow stretch of water that connects the lough to the sea, the currents can reach in access of 5-6 knots in this area, creating huge standing...
by Andrew McIlhone | Aug 17, 2018 | Fishing, Internationalisation, Ireland, Kraken
A new local fishing club recently started up in Northern Ireland “Norther Ireland federation of sea anglers”. The club supports multiple disciplines from LRF, HRF to shore and boat Fishing for all age groups and genders. I was lucky enough to be asked to introduce...
by Andrew McIlhone | Jul 12, 2018 | Fishing, Internationalisation, Ireland
That time of the year again were I pack the van and head down the east coast of Ireland for a few days to one of our Irish kayak Angling clubs competitions. This is one of my favourite yearly comps as it gives you a chance that target species not found in colder...