Searching for Quality Programing to get you through Quarantine? Hoping to stoke your love for the stroke?
Take a break from Netflix and check out all the quality programming our Jackson Kayak Whitewater Team is producing! We’re all in the same boat here, so while we’ve got extra time on our hands we all though it would be a cool idea to put up things WE might want to watch too.
And what do we want to watch? Interviews with Team! Stephen Wright started with Jesse Stone after she got Corona Virus but followed up with fresh Canadian ‘’SEND’’ phenom Kalob Grady, ‘Chasing Niagara’’s Rafa Ortiz and our YouTube instructional master Seth Ashworth.
Our Polish / Uganda freestyler Bartosz got the idea of indoor coaching, as in learn moves while sitting on the floor by your computer .. and has a whole series on that now designed to make the most of your time on the water once you get back to it. Our Fitness guru Heather Herbeck loaded us up with a whole series on fitness for paddlers, Jez Jez taught knots, Nick reviewed Rockstar 4.0 and Zen3, and I offered up some outfitting tips then taught some plastic welding. And there’s so much more on there to discover! Next time you’re settling in on the couch or bed for some entertainment, choose KAYAKING in between Netflix shows to keep your passion.. and your progression .. alive. We’ve done a lot, but I’ll let you be the judge of what’s worth watching. Skip around and then SHARE anything you find worthy. We’ve got the Whitewater Channel here: and a world of livestreams on our Facebook page HERE: Thanks for checking in with Jackson Kayaks once again – lets all stay healthy and ready to enjoy paddling as much as possible as soon as we can! We’re all in this together, lets make the most of it. See you on the river or on my next Livestream – ”Long-term test review and tips for getting the most out of the Zen3” .. or something like that… Clay Wright