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River Run Park in Denver was completed last spring, but it didn’t run in 2018 because it was a low water year. After a snowy winter, the South Platte was running 800 cfs the other day, so I finally went test out the new spots.

For beginner kayakers, this park would be a great place to practice skills like ferries, eddy turns, rolls, and running through small holes.

For playboating, the top hole is pretty good for all tricks, but a little bit flushy. Features 2, 3, and 4 were gentle, so they beginners would enjoy surfing and spinning in them. Feature 5, which is popular with surfers, was fast and served up great blunts. I would compare it to M Wave, but 1/3 the size. I could loop and cartwheel in the 6th feature, but it wasn’t great for kayaking.

With our high flows this season, River Run Park should be in for a while and I hope to see other front range playboaters out there!