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The fog lifting off the water at daybreak, the sound of the river as it rushes over the rocks, the wood ducks lifting off the surface as you round a bend, the roots of the streamside trees holding back the land, looking up at the mottled sunlight through the canopy as you drift along, if you are skilled or lucky, the feel of a big fish on the end of your line. These are the things we think of when we think about rivers. These are the things that we look forward to as we toil away at our daily duties. These are things worth standing up for.

Siltation, concentrated animal feeding, industrial effluent, failing wastewater treatment, depleted riparian zones, fish consumption advisories. These are things worth standing against.

Everyday the men and women of The Riverkeeper Alliance stand for the river. The river has a head and a mouth, but no voice. They provide that voice, and they could use your help. Whether it is simply being a member and staying informed, attending fundraising events, volunteering at a stream clean-up, or joining a board of directors, you are needed.

As kayak anglers we are especially useful to these organizations. We are out there. We see parts of a watershed that no others see. We are in tune with the river and notice variations. We care about the rivers. Catching a fish from flowing water is rewarding. It becomes even more rewarding, when you know that you personally are doing something to ensure others will be able to do so for years to come. Don’t deprive yourself of that feeling. Contact your local waterkeeper and get involved.
