Every once in a while I get lucky and the weather and tides come together. Murphy’s law becomes irrelevant because of a planetary enigma that I just haven’t figured it out yet occurred and the fishing is phenomenal. Spring and early summer are my favorite time of the year to fish with the “Transition”. If you plan it right and spend every waking moment you can spare watching your weather apps you get it all right and you get the “window of opportunity”. I had such a moment with fellow Jackson Kayak prostaffer Randy Marrow.
I spent a few weeks down in his neck of the woods chasing the ever elusive Permit. If I tell you how bad I want this fish on fly I would be lying. I literality have driven my self to pure madness just thinking of it. Maybe a little to much if you ask me. That’s besides the point, We had the weather the tides and game plan that was flawless. I had just received my new Big Rig and was going to put this boat to the test.
Miles upon miles or water covered, broken fly rods, Broken push polls, a swore back, egos crushed, left handed high fives that was all to be accounted for over several days of none stop fishing. All in all I was able to hook 2 permit a trillion shots and fish that turned and I could only say I thought where going to eat when they rushed the fly. Three bonefish hooked and lost and some other junk.
This didn’t end like a Greek tragic saga, Randy site casted a nice permit and bone fish so it was not a total loss watching his ninja like stealth move up on fish. All in all it was yet another learning curve. The Big Rig was all I wanted in a boat and more and the fishing is only going to get hotter!
Cheers Alex Tejeda